Through our work, we recognise the New Zealand community is struggling to come to terms with the with significant road toll, serious injuries crashes and the widespread effects it causes in our community. This causes significant ripple effects within families and in our communities.

Our 2019 Road Show series was well received.  We continue to look forward to present this series further to rural communities in 2020. We are currently reviewing offical government guidelines for Covid-19 for public events. We know some rural communities were looking forward to hosting us and we hope to see you soon.

With the growing success of the Road Accident Remembrance Day we want to present the same opportunities to our rural communities but on a smaller scale. We intend to extend the Road Shows to those areas in the Canterbury Region heavily impacted by road crashes, including wider Christchurch and beyond. As the reach is far beyond those directly involved in the crash itself.

We see the Road Shows as a way of promoting community leadership, collaboration and a sense of connectiveness. It is also important we re-inforce there are many people in our community that tirelessly dedicate their careers to post accident care and recovery. It is important we hear their stories and it is our hope it will assist in cultivating human behavioural change and attitudes to driving

Road Show :  Ashburton

Following the successful Road Show in Banks Peninsula, our next  Road Show series will be hosted in Ashburton at the Balmoral Hall on Wednesday, 11 September 2019 at 7.00pm.

We have a wonderful line up of fantastic, engaging speakers. We are grateful for the support of the Ashburton District Council.

Speaker 1:  Stephen Burgerhout, Ashburton Road Policing, New Zealand Police

Speaker 2: Stuart Cooper, Director and Intensive Care Paramedic, Immediate Care Paramedics

Speaker 3:  Alan Burgess, Ashburton Fire Chief, Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Speaker 4: Alice Brown, Intensive Care Nurse, Canterbury District Health Board/Resuscitation Matters

Speaker 5: Sarah Dean, Founder, Road Traffic Accident Trauma Charitable Trust

The Trust would be grateful for a gold coin donation to cover associated costs.


We plan on going local, this includes the heart of our rural communities and to other communities most deeply affected.

If you would like us to come to you (we can go rural  and rugged) or you would like to join our mailing list, please make contact with us.

Road Trauma in our Community - Road Shows : Contact Form