

Amanda Aislabie, Critical Care Flight Paramedic

Taranaki Rescue Helicopter, Search and Rescue Services Limited

On Thursday, 6 June 2024, at approximately 5:30 PM, a motorcyclist suffered serious injuries after striking an object along State Highway 3 in Te Roti, South Taranaki. As daylight faded, the Rescue Helicopter Trust crew relied on Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) to safely reach the scene and transport the patient to hospital.
The patient required immediate critical interventions, which the initial road ambulance crew were unable to provide.

The patient had sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury, and fractured leg and multiple rib fractures on both side of his chest. Aislabie and her team arrived swiftly, delivering life-saving care by releasing trapped air from the patient’s punctured lungs and performing Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) to stabilise his breathing before transporting him to Waikato Hospital.


Sergeant Steven Knox

Eastern Police District, New Zealand Police

Sergeant Steven Knox was Awarded for his leadership in the impactful ‘Stay Alive on 5’ campaign, alongside Auckland Transport for their innovative Road Safety Engineering Programme.

Knox played a vital role in formulating and initiating the “Stay Alive on 5” campaign. This campaign, which started in 2020, involved the deployment of dedicated police resources  over a 12-month period, to achieve an improvement in driver behaviour on State Highway 5 between Napier and Taupo. The campaign involved various organisations, including Waka Kotahi, the Hawkes Bay Regional Council, and the Taupo District Council. It also involved motor racing legend, Greg Murphy. The campaign involved installing twelve billboards with short educational messages discouraging speeding driving while tires and ‘driving to the conditions’.

The campaign was very effective, with zero fatalities in the 20 months following implementation, compared with thirteen in the 20 months before implementation. The effect of the campaign has been sustained, with only two fatalities in the last four years. The campaign has resulted in a big reduction in serious injuries, and is estimated to have reduced the socio-economic costs of accidents by over $80 million.


Auckland Transport

In 2020, Auckland Transport commenced implementation of a ‘safe speeds’ programme, in response to an increase of over 70% in road deaths and serious injuries since 2014. The ‘safe speeds’ programme involved setting lower and more appropriate speed limits on over 800 km of Auckland’s network of local roads. A major focus of the programme was providing safer facilities for pedestrians and cyclists on the local road network.

Analysis of crash data has revealed that the programme resulted in a 33% reduction in fatal crashes, a13% reduction in death and serious injury crashes, a 19% decrease in minor injury crashes and an 18% reduction in all injuries.

The ‘safe speeds’ programme has involved getting drivers of vehicles to travel more slowly on local roads, and this has not been welcomed by some drivers. Auckland Transport is to be congratulated for its courage in implementing the ‘safe speeds’ programme and pursuing a change in driver behaviour on local streets

This Award was accepted by Michael Brown, Head of Road Safety Engineering Transport Safety – Customer and Network Performance of Auckland Transport.


Michael Baty

On November 20, 2023, Colleen Reid suffered a medical emergency while driving on State Highway 6 at Nevis Bluff, resulting in her car crossing the centre line, flipping over, and becoming hidden in dense bush. Trapped upside down for over 24 hours, she went unnoticed by hundreds of passing vehicles and patrols.

Baty, a vigilant truck driver, learned about the missing woman through police reports and radio announcements. While on the road, he spotted her overturned vehicle from his elevated position and promptly alerted rescue services. Remaining with Colleen, he offered her comfort and reassurance until help arrived. His keen observation and swift response were crucial in saving her life; without his intervention, she might not have survived.


Andrew Tombs

While traveling to Christchurch from Timaru in July (year) on business Andrew Tombs, the now retired CEO of Alpine Energy Limited, came across a serious road crash on State Highway 1, south of Rakaia, mid-Canterbury. 

As the sole witness, Tombs quickly assessed the scene to ensure it was clear of hazards. Tombs was quick to respond and continuously re-assessed site risks – including potential fuel leakage, sources of ignition, damaged electrical cabling, potential livestock from any adjustment paddock, and even the mental and physical state of the driver. This allowed Tombs to ensure his own safety, and he administered first aid, calmed the driver, contacted emergency services, all whilst keeping the driver safe. Tombs assisted the driver whilst he had a significant diabetes attack and engaged with the driver’s parents by phone, all while awaiting the arrival of emergency services. 

A St John personnel who attended the crash indicated Tomb’s repeated exposure to first aid response, preparation and training to-action a solo-effort saved the life of the driver that night. 


Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency ‘Auckland System Management Alliance’

A dedicated team from within the Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency ‘Auckland System Management Alliance’ has been recognised with the National Award for Road Safety for their significant positive contribution towards the prevention of road-related suicide over the past decade. Suicide, being both a significant and challenging social issue.

What makes this project ‘unique’ is that it represents a Road Controlling Authority going the extra mile, as suicide is not typically recognised as part of the road toll in New Zealand, despite occurring on the roading network. It is therefore not something that is considered as part of the role of managing a road transport network. Having firstly recognised the issue facing them, the team then had to step outside their normal work boundaries and also have the tenacity not to give up as they brought about positive change over many years. This project has not only sought to put in place preventative measures to reduce the risk of suicide, but has also invested in upskilling some of their road crews so that they are better prepared to help manage and de-escalate a situation if the opportunity arises, before a fatal outcome results.

The core team involved in this initiative has comprised Andrew Stevens (Network Safety Manager), Arpi Vamosi (Project Delivery Manager), Jim Bernhard (Safe and Reliable Journeys Manger), and Sam Pasley (Safety Engineer) from the Auckland System Management Alliance, and Murray Parker (now retired, Regional Safety Engineer) and Shashi Lakshminarasimhaiah (Regional Safety Engineer), from the Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency.

Drive My Life Programme

Unwavering dedication to Southland’s Drive My Life programme has earned national recognition for the Southern Rural Education Activities Programme Team. Drive My Life empowers vulnerable members of the community by providing a supportive environment, in order for participants to gain the necessary knowledge and skills essential to progress through all the stages of the graduated licence system.

A big portion of the Southland community can’t access driver training or tests due to costs and other barriers. This disproportionally disadvantages Māori, Pacific peoples, sole parents and rural communities. Drive My Life works in all areas of Southland, and with agencies and services who refer the cohorts mentioned, as well as addressing the needs of migrants and refugees.

Road Safety Southland Road Safety Advisor, Maureen Deuchrass said “the programme’s national recognition reflected those passionately involved.” 


Associate Professor Grant Christey

Waikato trauma surgeon and Director of the Te Manawa Taki Trauma System, Associate Professor Grant Christey was honoured with the inaugural National Award for Emergency Response and Healthcare for his work to establish the Te Manawa Taki Trauma System; a network of specialised clinicians committed to ensuring best practice is applied in trauma care across five district health boards (Lakes, Bay of Plenty, Hauora Tairāwhiti, Taranaki and Waikato).

The Trauma System provides guidelines to reduce the burden of trauma following a road accident, from ensuring optimal pre-hospital care and transport to the most appropriate hospital based on injuries assessed at the crash scene, to their ongoing care working with their whānau on their recovery journey.

‘’It is a great honour to receive the inaugural National Award for Emergency Response and Healthcare from the Trust,” Associate Professor Christey said.

“This has very much been a combined team effort across the Te Manawa Taki trauma system and its leadership. There remains much work to be done and we look forward to continuing projects that reduce the incidents and impact of road trauma.”


Marlborough Roads JV Road Maintenance

Marlborough Roads JV Road Maintenance contract team (a joint venture between Fulton Hogan, HEB Construction, Marlborough District Council, Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency) is the recipient of the National Award for Emergency Response and Healthcare for their meritorious efforts in attending two traumatic road crashes where, in total, eight people died, three people were seriously injured and another was hospitalised.  On Sunday, 19 June 2022, a crash occurred on SH 1 near Picton between a van with 9 passengers and a truck. On Monday 20 June 2022, there was another crash on SH6 near Renwick, between a van and a truck. On both occasions, the trauma was unprecedented, with debris strewn over a wide area. Emergency services extracted people from vehicles and out-of-town specialist lift equipment was used to remove the heavy truck and trailer units. 

The Marlborough Roads JV team supported emergency and specialist services to safely attend to their tasks, making sure roads were closed, and the site was protected from media and the public. 

The Marlborough Roads JV team received a message of thanks from Brett Glidden, General Manager of Transport Services, Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency said “I would like to the team for their dedication in responding to these events, noting that there have been several over the last few days, and it is very tough to comprehend. A special thanks to those who have attended the crash scenes and helped to manage the impacts across our wider transport network.  I note that this often requires a 24/7 response with many of whom have been called out on the weekend and working long hours to respond to these events and ensure the State Highway network is made safe for those travelling. It is not very often that a region has multiple events of this significance within 36 hours and it is powerful to hear the reports of the team banding together in tough conditions.”