National Award for Emergency Response and Healthcare 2024 Nominations Wondering who you could nominate? Perhaps you know someone at one of these industry organisations who is deserving? Get Ideas You may use this offline (PDF form) to download and submit. Download Details of the applicant Please ensure that all sections marked with an asterix (*) are completed for the Applicant (Award Recipient)Title*Surname*Given Names*Postal Address* Postal City*Post Code*Position / TitleOrganisation / Business Name*Organisation/Business Address* Organisation / Business CityOrganisation/Business Post CodeHome PhoneBusiness PhoneMobile Phone*Email* Details of the nominee Please ensure that all sections marked with an asterix (*) are completed for the Nominee.Title*Surname*Given Names*Postal Address* Postal City*Post Code*Organisation / Business Name*Organisation/Business Address* Organisation / Business CityOrganisation/Business Post CodeHome PhoneBusiness PhoneMobile PhoneEmail ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Your application can be about large or small projects, initiatives or products, but most notably you will need to demonstrate how the work you are doing is improving road safety and its direct impacts either locally, regionally or nationally in New Zealand. To be competitive, your application must address each of the following criteria and provide evidence that substantiates its claims. The criteria used to assess and judge the submissions are common practice for Awards of such caliber. SECTION A1 - EMERGENCY RESPONSE - ROAD CRASH SITE Particularly noteworthy response to an incidence, or incidences of road trauma. Complete only this section of the application if your submission is for a particularly noteworthy response to an incidence, or incidences of road trauma. PART A1 Incident PART B1 Action PART C1 Outcome SECTION A2 - HEALTHCARE PART A2 Situation PART A1 - SITUATION Particularly noteworthy response to an incidence, or incidences of road trauma. WHAT WAS THE INCIDENT? 1. PLEASE PROVIDE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INCIDENT. 2. DATE, TIME AND LOCATION OF THE INCIDENT. 3. DESCRIBE CONDITIONS. WERE THERE ANY CONDITIONS NEEDED TO OVERCOME TO RESPOND WELL TO THE INCIDENT? For example, what was the temperature, time, visibility level, weather, number of people around and other environmental conditions at the time of the accident, or what were the workload, occupancy, roster restrcitions in the relevant healthcare environment? PART A1 – ACTION WHAT WAS THE INFLUENTIAL DIFFERENCE, CONTRIBUTION OR ASSISTANCE AT THE SCENE OF A ROAD CRASH SITE OR IN THE CARE OF THE VICTIMS OF THE ROAD CRASH? 1. PLEASE PROVIDE A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE RESCUE/CARE EFFORTS OF THE NOMINEE? Please clearly articulate what the person that you are nominating for this award did. You may wish to elaborate on any elements of risk (if any). 2. WHAT PATIENT INJURIES OR RESCUES OR ATTEMPTED RESCUES NEEDED TO BE ATTENDED TO? 3. DID THE INCIDENT/RESCUE/CARE REQUIRE ADVANCED OR TECHNICAL SKILLS E.G. VEHICLE EXTRACTION OR MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, DEVICES OR PROCEDURES? Please outline if there was optimal use of skills within the available personnel? 4. WAS EMERGENCY MEDICAL AID RENDERED INCLUDING EMERGENCY PROCEDURES? Detail whether the applicated demonstrated the ability to treat specific injury types and enable analysis of triage for treatment. 5. WERE MULTIPLE AGENCIES OR SPECIALTIES INVOLVED? This could be supported by photographs of the incident or the place it occurred, links to media articles or other information about the incident. If available, the contact details of any other witnesses to the incident. PART A1 – OUTCOME WHAT WAS THE INFLUENTIAL DIFFERENCE, CONTRIBUTION OR ASSISTANCE AT THE SCENE OF A ROAD CRASH SITE OR IN THE CARE OF ROAD CRASH VICTIMS? PLEASE PROVIDE A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE ATTRIBUTING OUTCOME OF THE NOMINEE'S CONTRIBUTION. Examples may include, rendered first aid, vehicle extraction, site communication and co-ordination of emergency services onsite or procedures in the Healthcare context. PART A2 - HEALTHCARE Healthcare professionals involved in pre-hospital or hospital care for those impacted by road trauma only need to complete Part A2 of the Award category. 1. PLEASE OUTLINE HOW THE APPLICANT HAS DEMONSTRATED INCREASED PATIENT CARE CAPACITY OR PATIENT CARE QUALITY? OR; 2. PLEASE OUTLINE HOW THE APPLICANT ADDRESSED AN IDENTIFIED NEED, ENHANCED OUTCOMES, OR IMPROVED A PRODUCT, SERVICE, PROCESS OR SYSTEM THAT AS A DIRECT RESULT WILL BENEFIT THOSE IN THEIR REGION OR NATIONALLY? OR; 3. PLEASE OUTLINE HOW THE APPLICANT ENHANCEd OR ASSISTED IN THE FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF A PRODUCT, SERVICE, PROCESS OR SYSTEM THAT AS A DIRECT RESULT WILL BENEFIT THOSE IN THEIR REGION OR NATIONALLY? 4. PLEASE OUTLINE HOW THE APPLICANT DEVELOPED EFFECTIVE WAYS TO MINIMISE THE IMPACTS OF DISABILITY OR DEATH AFTER ROAD TRAUMA LOCALLY, REGIONALLY OR NATIONALLY? 5. PLEASE OUTLINE HOW THE APPLICANT WORKED WITH LOCAL, REGIONAL OR NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND BODIES TO PUT IN PLACE EMPHASIS ON PATIENT CARE AND/OR IMPROVE RESPONSE TIME FOR ROAD CRASH PATIENTS? OR; 6. PLEASE OUTLINE HOW THE APPLICANT WORKED WITH OTHER LOCAL, REGIONAL OR NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS OR AGENCIES TO IMPROVE RESPONSE TIMES? OR; 7. PLEASE OUTLINE HOW THE APPLICANT USED AN APPLICATION OF UNIQUE SKILL OR CREATIVE IMAGINATION TO THE APPROACH OR SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS? 8.PLEASE OUTLINE HOW THE APPLICANT DEVELOPED A NEW SERVICE FOR POPULATION GROUPS THAT TRADITIONALLY STRUGGLED TO ACCESS HEALTHCARE? OR; 9. PLEASE OUTLINE HOW THE APPLICANT WORKED WITH LOCAL, REGIONAL, OR NATIONAL PARTNERS TO PLAN SERVICES ACROSS AN AREA TO IMPROVE THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF THOSE WHO SUFFER POORER OUTCOMES? Part B Upload supporting document(s) Drop files here or Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, docx. attach any supporting files to your nomination JPG, PNG, PDF or DOCX formats 30413