Given the Awards would be open to government and lay personnel. In 2017 the Trust approached The Honours Unit of Cabinet Office to ensure the Awards would not interfere with the New Zealand Royal Honours system.
The Trust was mindful that medallions are presented under the New Zealand Royal Honours system. The Honours Unit had suggested in addition to our initial thoughts of a trophy or a plaque, consideration could be given to a medallion in a presentation case. A medallion would utilise the design benefits of a medal, without the broader issues around the approval of wear on formal uniform for recipients.
The Honours Unit directed the Trust to the New Zealand America’s Cup, 1995 Medallion. This was issued under the New Zealand Honours system to recognise those who contributed to the America’s Cup victory in 1995 – it was struck as a ‘one-off’ award and was presented to 79 recipients.
After the formal advice received the Canterbury Road Trauma Awards Committee decided the Award recipients would be presented with a medallion.
The Canterbury Road Trauma Awards medallion bears the mark of the laurel wreath. A laurel wreath is a round wreath made of connected branches and leaves of the bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), an aromatic broadleaf evergreen. The symbol of the laurel wreath traces back to Greek mythology. In common modern idiomatic usage, it refers to a victory. The expression “resting on one’s laurels” refers to someone relying entirely on long-past successes for continued recognition.
This is the very essence of the Awards, to recognise and honour outstanding contributions of individuals who make an influential difference. Their achievements deserve to be recognised with a legacy that will last a lifetime.